Sloganoff – “Got something to say?” Preview Friday 7th October

Got something to say?
Hangar Gallery would like to invite expressions of interest for our group exhibition titled ‘Sloganoff’. The exhibition will run during the Whangarei Fringe Festival in October 2022.
Artists can contribute up to 4 works each, of text-based artworks designed to exemplify the Zeitgeist of words in art, (the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.) Sloganoff is a platform for profound and thought- provoking slogans, statements, sayings, proverbs and poetry etc.
Your Sloganoff is required to be artful, tasteful, non-digitalized and well presented, even if the slogan is rebellious, naughty, political, frivolous, personal, microcosmic, macrocosmic….

Sloganoff’s supplied for exhibition must be no bigger than A3, and do not have to be regular sizes, i.e. they can be any shape. They may be exhibited unframed but must be of exhibition quality. Hand printed T-shirts are also encouraged for Sloganoff. Work may also be exhibited outside, sandwich boards, protest signs, banners, whatever irks, smirks, annoys or celebrates freedom of speech, in our great nation Aotearoa.
Please send examples of your work to [email protected] Hangar Gallery reserves the right to refuse any work deemed inappropriate.
“A good slogan is like a slap on the back, a punch in the face, a dig in the ribs, a touch to the soul, a hug to the heart…”

We are grateful to Dr Benjamin Pittman for gifting us the beautiful phrase in Te reo Māori .